Tuesday 31 May 2016

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Feeling proud

Proudly I lost a whopping 5.1kg this week i felt good with that as I worked hard last week.

Soon this will be me the swan lol.......

Tie me up and keep me Master D.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Gag Me...

No really .......... someone gag me!!

slave girl was a submissive for 2 years and has been a slave for a year plus minus and the basic rule is to say Master, but shockingly the past few days i have not said it 5x now I cant believe I have been disrespectful so many times, I dont know what has gotten into me, but it better get gagged. I am ashamed of myself.
I dont want to speak. I can't, for slave is getting too weak.
Please gag me and watch me .
You won't be able to hear me talk.
Smother my words so I cant be at fault.
While Master is at it blind fold my eyes.
I don't want to see how I am disgusting thee.

Gag me so I can't breathe.
Gag me so I can't talk.

I don't want to talk...
I don't want to talk...

Never said Master

1. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

2. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

3. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

4. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

5. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

Never said Master

1. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

2. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

3. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

4. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

Monday 9 May 2016

I Love my Master

I am a happy slave to my Master he is a good man. 
He gives me all sorts of things. 
All he requires in return is that I obey Him. 
I am told He has the power to control my life. 
I look up to Him, and wish that I were so powerful.

My Master must understand the world better than I, 
because He was chosen by many others for His respected position. 
I sometimes complain, but fear I cannot live without His help. 
He is a good man.

Never said Master

1. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

2. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

3. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.


I only lost 100g this last week, but i was not trying I promise to try harder and have a better week next week Master.



I dont know why but i actually like Monday's maybe its because I am a 24/7 stay home slave so the day of the week does not make much difference.

Sunday 8 May 2016

A Poem

Twist me, Cut me,
It's just pure bliss,
Slice open a vein,
And seal it with a kiss.

Slice me, Hurt me,
You know I love it more,
When you slap me in the face,
And I wind up on the floor.

Bruise me, Break me,
You like to hear me scream,
And I can't help but obliged,
When you're acting oh so mean.

Whip me, Chain me,
I love to be restrained,
Listen to my chorus,
Screams of pleasure and of pain.

Bite me, Stab me,
I need to feel the pain,
It balances out the good,
And keeps my sanity sane.

This is not my poem i found it on the internet but i love it........

Saturday 7 May 2016


I think I can look like this soon again if I lay off of junk food Master will help me I hope.

Never said Master

1. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

2. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Never said Master

1. Slut girl will always remember to say Master.

A bad stupid submissive

Yes im a bad stupid submissive slave that is a brat oh and I will never be as good as His other submissive's. I guess when you the chair in the room that has been there for long and new furniture gets brought in you become the old junk.


Come join me in the dark lining of the gates of thunder....